Handy Peggs are the ideal accompaniment for your Handy Line – easy to use, ergonomic and durable.
Mrs Peggs Handy Laundry Basket
Mrs Peggs Handy Peg Bag
Mrs Peggs Easy 8
Mrs Peggs Handy Hooks
The Easy 8 Handy Line is a low-level line, and the lightest in our range. The Easy 8’s lower line height allows easy reach for people in wheelchairs and with mobility needs, and is perfect for anyone with limited space.
A roll of versatile soft material that can be used on any surface to help stop items from moving, or to protect against scratches.
CODE DLADA01 Assists one-handed dressing Stainless steel wire passes through button hole, gripping the button. It is pulled through with…
A wide & generous fitting sock; making these suitable for people with very swollen feet and/or for wearing over bandages….
The Dressing Stick is a wooden stick with a rubber tip at one end and double wire hook at the…